St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School has partnered with several entities to provide additional funds for our school and its programs with no added out-of-pocket expense to our parents.
Box Tops for Education has helped America's schools earn over $175 million in just over ten years. You can learn more about making a difference for your school with Box Tops.
Earn cash for St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School through the simple activity of buying groceries, all at no additional cost to you! Earn points from hundreds of participating brands. With your help using the Box Tops App St. Ignatius can earn up to $10,000, annually when you shop. Even if you don't have qualifying items, when you scan your receipt you can enter a daily sweepstakes!
The Office Depot 5% back to schools program allows parents, parishioners, and St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School stakeholders to help St. Ignatius School receive credits for FREE supplies at Office Depot. Please ensure you have our 5% back to Schools ID number: 70094551, when you purchase any qualifying school supplies at Office Depot.