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    NOW ENROLLING Accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
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  • Congregation of Holy Cross

    St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church and School are served primarily by religious from the Congregation of Holy Cross. Our largest ministry in the United States is the University of Notre Dame, but we have founded numerous other educational institutions including St. Edward’s University and our very own St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School.

    The Congregation of Holy Cross was founded in 1837 by Blessed Father Basil Moreau, a priest of the Diocese of Le Mans, France. It was based in a town named "Holy Cross," hence the name "Congregation of Holy Cross."

    The mission of the Congregation is to assist in Church ministries wherever needed as parish priests, preachers of missions, educators, writers, and foreign missionaries. Called to make God known, loved, and served, we bring the hope of the Gospel to all the world.

    The initials "C.S.C.," after their names, are an abbreviation for the Latin "Congregatio a Sancta Cruce," which means, "Congregation of Holy Cross."

    The Cross and Anchors worn by Holy Cross religious is a symbol of the motto of the Congregation: “Ave Crux, Spes Unica,” which means, “Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope.” The anchor is an ancient symbol of hope, and when doubled, means only hope.

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